Make the Commitment to Cowork: A Short Guide on How to Begin Coworking
So you’ve read our article, “What is Coworking and Why You Should Try It”, and you’re ready to make the commitment to cowork. Here’s a...
New to Coworking Town Part 2: Communicating and Settling Conflicts
After New to Coworking Town Part 1, you should be able to start making friends and networking around your workspace. But what if you...
New to Coworking Town Part 1: Joining and Networking
So you’ve joined a coworking space. Now what? Besides showing up and working, how do you make the most of the new community at your...
New Year’s Resolutions for the Ambitious Coworker
The life of a coworker can be such a breeze, perhaps your coworking routine is already perfect. Or perhaps you’re feeling unfulfilled and...
The Perks of Working Away From Home
So you've decided to work remotely. Congratulations! But you’re hesitant to spend extra money to work away from home at a coworking space...
Small Business Week at Free Range
As a woman owned and operated small business, Free Range Office is always excited when Small Business Week rolls around each year. Small...
The Resolution of Coworking
If you don't have a New Year’s resolution for work, now you do. Becoming more productive at a coworking space starts with having a plan
Tips for Collaboration and Networking in a Coworking Space
One of the greatest advantages to working in a shared office over working from home is the opportunity to connect with other members....
Playing the Long Game
Networking can be one of your best professional strategies. At it’s core, networking is never about the “ask” — it’s about everything...
Redefining Workplace Conflict
Employee conflict in the workplace is a common occurrence. It can emerge from personal interactions leading to unresolved stress,...