Celebrating International Coworking Week
The idea of working independently while surrounded by people that have similar intentions in one space is referred to as “coworking.” Coworking proposes an alternative and accessible way to interact with others while not necessarily having to work on the same team. The concept allows entrepreneurs, remote workers and freelancers to share not only space and equipment, but also ideas and knowledge.
This global movement is said to have started with Brad Neuberg, a software developer in San Fransisco, back in 2005. Wanting the freedom to work for himself while still working around others, Brad started a coworking space inside a local wellness center and opened it up to anyone who wanted to join in. Those who liked the idea were encouraged to run with it and make it their own.
There are approximately 11,000 coworking spaces around the world, making the industry a rapidly growing movement. Thanks to smallbizlabs.com for doing the math, the annual growth for coworking is about 23.8%, which puts the number of coworking spaces at 26,000 and 3.8 million members in 2020.
Although there is a heavier emphasis on coworking spaces, the idea is to really push forward the coworking community. Think of it as a domino effect, where one person joins in on a coworking space, then those whose wish to do so, run with the idea of coworking and possibly open up their own coworking location to others.
The coworking community will celebrate International Coworking Week Aug. 8 through Aug. 12, while National Coworking Day is set for Tuesday, Aug. 9. Throughout the week, coworking spaces will open up their offices and invite those who are interested to come in and experience coworking. Many locations collaborate with each other to host networking events, workshops, seminars and even outings in the city.
Interested in joining the movement? Visit Free Range Office to celebrate International Coworking Week, Aug. 8 through Aug. 12! We are giving away complimentary day passes to use at our space any day during the week from 9:00am - 5:00pm. Day passes are good for one day only. If you are interested in joining us for the eventful week, register here to reserve your spot. Limited space is available!