How to Find Your Tribe Through Coworking
Entrepreneurship can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. Working at a coworking space allows you to become a part of a community while forging your own path. You may not find your next best friend at Free Range, but you’re guaranteed to find a tribe of like-minded individuals to support and inspire you.
Still not convinced? Here are three benefits of coworking for entrepreneurs and freelancers:
[if !supportLists]· ESCAPE ISOLATION WHILE GROWING YOUR BUSINESS. Even the most introverted people need the company of others sometimes. You may work better in a space of solitude, but every now and then we all need a little inspiration (and encouragement, for that matter). You don’t have to be the next Andy Warhol to find a space full of muses. In our open floor plan, we bring down the barriers that might otherwise prevent you from meeting that web designer who might be willing to help you with building a website for your small business. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
[if !supportLists]· DIVERSIFY YOUR NETWORK. It’s great to be around other people who do the same thing that you do, but variety is the spice of life. Wouldn’t it be great for an entrepreneur to be working next to a public relations consultant who works next to a web developer and so on? When you’re working solo or with other people who all do the same thing as you, it can get overwhelming when you need help with something outside your field of expertise and you aren’t sure who to turn to. At a coworking space, you may need to look no further than the person sitting next to you. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
[if !supportLists]· FEEL EMPOWERED. Let’s face it — working from home can be daunting. It’s tempting to want to stay in your pajamas all day. The neighbors are noisy, the dog won’t stop barking, and everywhere you look, there is something to distract you from the task at hand. (Yes, I'm speaking from experience!) It’s difficult to get productive in the same place that you rest your head at night and even if you set up a home office for yourself, it can be challenging to hold yourself accountable for deadlines in the comfort of your own home. Not to mention, you’re unlikely to want to bring any investors or clients into your apartment. Being part of a coworking community gives you access to a professional environment that enables you to make the best impression on your clientele and gives you the boost that you need to feel confident holding business meetings. Did we mention our members have access to a spacious, fully equipped conference room that is perfect for presentations?
There you have it! These are our top three reasons to stop making excuses and start getting productive at a coworking space! Did we miss anything? Leave us a comment below and let us know how coworking has helped elevate your business!